Procedure to register a trademark in Paraguay consists of the following steps:
1. Conduct a trademark search in Paraguay
First you must carry out a trademark search in Paraguay’s trademark database, to ensure your chosen design is unique and available.
This database is under the Department of Citizen Services maintenance.
2. Submit your application to the Entrance Board of the DINAPI.
For this you need to fill out the registration and ‘annex of holders’ forms on the DINAPI website. After that applications should be delivered to the following address: Avenida España, No.323. Asunción, Paraguay.
3. Publish your application
Your application must then be published in the DINAPI national gazette or a widely-circulated national newspaper for at least 3 consecutive days, for a maximum of 10 days. This gives third parties the opportunity to make comments on your proposed trademark.
4. Comments from third parties
After publication, third parties have 60 business days to present comment or objection to your proposed trademark. If you receive comments from third parties regarding your trademark, the DINAPI will take this into account when reviewing your application.
5. Substantive review of your application
After 60 days, DINAPI will conduct a review of your trademark application and any additional comments from third parties. DINAPI must confirm that your application and proposed design are in full compliance with the country’s Trademark Law.
6. Brand concession
Finally, DINAPI’s Trademark Director will issue an opinion on your application, to be considered by the General Directorate of Industrial Property. The General Directorate will either approve or reject your trademark.
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